My final project for my BA (Hons) in Game Art & Design at NUA.
I had the pleasure of working on this project alongside
My roles for this project were project management, level design, quest design, narrative as well as overall game design and blueprinting.
The GDD for the game can be found below!

To begin with I worked on creating the GDD, alongside James, for our game and gathering inspiration material to better showcase mechanics and visual style in order to sell the idea to the team and ensure everyone was on the same page.
During the early development of the game, I spent a lot of time working alongside Adam Ford to help ensure that we would have the perfect assets for what we wanted to achieve, I would regularly be asked to give feedback on new models or concepts, and we would discuss scope, visual style and detail at length, always looking to find compromise where it was needed and to ensure that we ended up with something that we were both happy with.
Individually, I was working on level concepts for the hotel lobby and floor layouts, as well as blocking them out in-engine once I had received feedback and comments from my team.
The upstairs of the hotel was the level that went through the most iterations, initially being an I-shaped corridor it then changed into a larger H-shape; this decision was made due to feedback, it also allowed us to utilise more rooms to be able to tell smaller stories using the environment. Overall this change led to the level being and feeling a lot larger, which has its pros and cons. Some testers got somewhat lost in the level, not being sure of where to go, and others enjoyed exploring the unlocked rooms and coming up with their own ideas as to what happened in them.